Giving back

I was 15 years old and still in school when I found out I was pregnant. Feeling confused, scared and not knowing what to do, I did not tell my mother or anyone else about my situation. I decided to contact the Babes helpline after some thought. After a few exchanges of conversation thru SMS, I agreed to meet up with the Babes worker to talk more about my pregnancy. I was feeling quite nervous but I tried to be as friendly as I could. I grew up in a single parent family and my mother is quite conservative and religious. I was the only child and we lived with my grandmother. I felt like I committed a grave mistake but I knew I had to come face to face with it and take the first step by informing my mum. The Babes worker helped to arrange a meeting with my mother and was with me when I broke the news to my mother. It was an emotional moment for both of us but nonetheless, my mother was willing to support whatever decision I would make in the end.
The Babes worker explored options with my mother and me and supported both of us during our most difficult times. Because of that, I felt less lost and helpless. After much thought and discussion, my mother and I both felt that we would be unable to raise a child due to our circumstances. We then decided to terminate the pregnancy. I also had my own dreams and wanted to be able to complete my secondary school education and further my studies overseas. It wasn’t an easy decision, but we felt that was the best for me and my family in the long run.
Currently, I am pursuing an events management course in one of the ITEs in Singapore and am about to graduate. I am happy that I managed to pull through amidst all the difficulties and trials. On my free days, I work part time to help contribute to the household expenses. Other than that, I am also busy with singing and performing at events. I helped to manage a youth concert in November 2010 to help raise awareness of the Babes programme. I am glad that I was able to do so as this is my way of giving back to the community.